Joe Riley Joe Riley

Lightning is not as “one and done” as we have been lead to believe.

The old adage "lightning never strikes the same place twice" is a myth that nature has debunked time and again. In reality, lightning can and does strike the same location multiple times, especially if the conditions are right. This phenomenon raises important questions about lightning patterns, the features of high-risk areas, and why certain locations might be more susceptible to repeated lightning strikes.

Lightning Protection, Lightning rods, Surge Suppression.

The old adage "lightning never strikes the same place twice" is a myth that nature has debunked time and again. In reality, lightning can and does strike the same location multiple times, especially if the conditions are right. This phenomenon raises important questions about lightning patterns, the features of high-risk areas, and why certain locations might be more susceptible to repeated lightning strikes.

Why Lightning Strikes Twice

Lightning is an electrical discharge caused by imbalances between storm clouds and the ground, or within the clouds themselves. These imbalances are corrected suddenly and violently in the form of lightning. The reason lightning can strike the same place more than once is largely due to the height, shape, and isolation of the location.

  1. Height: Taller structures are more likely to be hit by lightning. This is why skyscrapers, telecommunications towers, and mountain peaks are often struck multiple times.

  2. Shape: Pointed shapes tend to attract lightning. The pointed shape of a lightning rod is designed specifically to encourage this, safely directing the electrical discharge to the ground.

  3. Isolation: An object standing alone, such as a tree in an open field, is more likely to be struck because it provides the easiest path for the lightning discharge.

High-Risk Areas

Certain areas are more prone to lightning strikes due to geographical features and climate conditions. For instance, Florida is known as the lightning capital of the United States, with Central Florida experiencing more lightning strikes per square mile than any other part of the country. This is due to its unique geography, which provides the perfect conditions for thunderstorms: heat, humidity, and sea breezes from its surrounding waters.

The Science of Recurrence

Research supports the idea that if lightning has struck a particular location once, it is more likely to strike there again. This is especially true in high-risk areas. The Empire State Building in New York, for example, is hit by lightning about 23 times a year. This recurrence is due to the building's height, its metal structure, and its location within a city that experiences frequent storms.

The science behind this recurrence is straightforward: structures or locations that provided the path of least resistance to a lightning strike haven't changed, so they continue to offer an inviting target for subsequent strikes.

Protection and Prevention

Understanding the risk of lightning is crucial, especially in prone areas. Lightning protection systems, which include rods, grounding wires, and surge protectors, are designed to protect structures from the damaging effects of lightning. These systems provide a safe path for lightning to follow, grounding it and preventing harm to the structure and its occupants.


The belief that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice is more than just an old wives' tale; it's a dangerous misconception. Recognizing the factors that contribute to lightning strikes and taking appropriate precautions is essential for safety, especially in high-risk areas.

While direct sources are not cited in this blog post, information regarding lightning patterns and safety can be extensively found through reputable sources such as the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These organizations provide valuable resources for understanding and mitigating the risks associated with lightning strikes.

Understanding the real risks associated with lightning and taking proactive steps to mitigate those risks can make all the difference in ensuring the safety and integrity of structures in lightning-prone areas.

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Joe Riley Joe Riley

Navigating the Storm: How Work Shortages and the Great Resignation Impact Lightning Protection

Foundries fraught with fewer faces.

The American foundry industry, crucial for producing metal components for various sectors including lightning protection, is facing unprecedented challenges. The Great Resignation, a phenomenon marked by a significant number of workers leaving their jobs post-pandemic, has led to labor shortages that are rippling through the supply chain, affecting the production and pricing of lightning protection materials.

The Impact on Foundries

Foundries are labor-intensive environments, relying on skilled workers to operate machinery, manage melting processes, and ensure quality control. The labor shortages mean that many foundries are operating below capacity, struggling to meet the demand for metal components. This bottleneck in the supply chain is particularly problematic for the lightning protection industry, which depends on these components to manufacture essential safety systems.

Disruptions in the Supply Chain

The reduced output from foundries has led to delays in the production of lightning protection systems. Contractors and installers are facing longer lead times, making it challenging to complete projects on schedule. This disruption not only affects the availability of lightning protection products but also has a knock-on effect on construction and infrastructure projects that require these systems for safety and compliance.

Price Increases

The basic economic principle of supply and demand is at play here. With the supply of metal components constrained and demand remaining steady or even increasing, prices for lightning protection materials are rising. Manufacturers are forced to pass these increased costs onto their customers, leading to higher prices for end-users. This price hike can make lightning protection systems less accessible, especially for smaller businesses or residential properties.

Looking Ahead

The industry is exploring various solutions to mitigate these challenges. Automation and technological advancements are being adopted to reduce reliance on manual labor. Training programs and initiatives are being developed to attract new talent to the foundry industry. However, these measures will take time to implement and show results.

In the meantime, stakeholders in the lightning protection industry must navigate these turbulent times with strategic planning and adaptability. Collaboration across the supply chain, from raw material suppliers to installers, is essential to ensure that projects can be completed safely and efficiently, despite the current challenges.

As the industry adapts to these changes, the hope is that the foundry sector and, by extension, the lightning protection industry will emerge stronger and more resilient. The current disruptions serve as a reminder of the importance of investing in workforce development and technological innovation to safeguard against future uncertainties.

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Joe Riley Joe Riley

Exploring the Future: Laser-Guided Lightning Rods

It all begins with a kite and a key.

The quest for innovative lightning protection methods has led scientists to explore the realm of laser technology. In recent years, the concept of laser-guided lightning rods has sparked interest and excitement in the field of atmospheric research. This groundbreaking approach could revolutionize how we protect structures and assets from lightning strikes.

The Science Behind Laser-Guided Lightning Rods

The principle behind laser-guided lightning rods is based on the use of high-intensity laser beams to create a conductive path in the air. When a laser beam is directed towards the sky, it ionizes the air molecules along its path, forming a plasma channel. This ionized channel can act as a preferred pathway for lightning, guiding it safely to the ground and away from vulnerable structures.

The idea is that by controlling the direction and endpoint of the laser beam, we can effectively control the path of lightning. This level of precision could offer significant advantages over traditional lightning rods, which rely on the natural formation of conductive paths in the air.

Experiments and Challenges

Several experiments have been conducted to test the feasibility of laser-guided lightning rods. Researchers have used powerful lasers to create plasma channels in the air, and initial results have shown promise. In controlled laboratory settings, lasers have successfully guided electrical discharges along predetermined paths.

However, translating these laboratory successes to real-world applications presents several challenges. The atmosphere is a complex and dynamic environment, with varying conditions that can affect the behavior of laser beams and plasma channels. Factors such as humidity, air density, and turbulence can influence the stability and effectiveness of the laser-induced path.

Moreover, the power and durability of the lasers themselves are critical considerations. Generating a laser beam strong enough to ionize air over long distances requires significant energy. The equipment must also be able to withstand harsh weather conditions and continuous operation.

Looking Ahead

Despite the challenges, the potential benefits of laser-guided lightning rods are too significant to ignore. They could provide more accurate and reliable protection for critical infrastructure, such as power plants, airports, and communication towers. Additionally, the ability to control the path of lightning could open up new possibilities for scientific research into lightning behavior and atmospheric electricity.

As technology advances and researchers continue to refine their experiments, laser-guided lightning rods may move from the realm of science fiction to practical reality. In the meantime, the scientific community remains watchful and excited about the potential of this innovative approach to lightning protection.

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Joe Riley Joe Riley

Controversy of ESE Lightning Protection Systems and the rumblings of new emerging tech.

Oldie but a goodie

The quest for effective lightning protection has led to the development of various technologies, each with its proponents and detractors. One of the most debated systems in recent years is the Early Streamer Emission (ESE) lightning protection system. As we explore this controversy, we will also look ahead to an emerging technology that could revolutionize the field: laser-guided lightning air terminals.

Understanding ESE Systems

ESE lightning protection systems are designed to provide a larger area of protection compared to traditional Franklin rods. They work by emitting an upward streamer earlier than a conventional air terminal would, theoretically increasing the likelihood of capturing a lightning strike and safely directing it to the ground. Proponents argue that ESE systems offer more extensive coverage, reducing the number of rods needed for large structures and open areas.

The Controversy

Despite their popularity in some regions, ESE systems have been the subject of controversy within the lightning protection community. Critics point to a lack of conclusive scientific evidence supporting the claims of increased efficiency. Major standard-setting organizations like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) have not universally endorsed ESE systems, citing insufficient data to validate their purported advantages.

Research studies and field tests have yielded mixed results, with some showing no significant difference in performance between ESE and conventional systems. This ambiguity has led to debates over the adoption of ESE technology, with some experts calling for more rigorous testing and evaluation.

The Future: Laser-Guided Lightning Air Terminals

Amidst the ongoing debate over ESE systems, researchers are exploring even more advanced technologies for lightning protection. One promising development is the use of laser-guided lightning air terminals. This cutting-edge approach involves using lasers to create a conductive path in the air, guiding lightning strikes safely away from structures.

Early experiments have shown that high-intensity laser beams can ionize the air, creating a plasma channel that acts as a pathway for lightning. While this technology is still in its infancy, it has the potential to offer a more precise and controlled method of lightning protection, especially for critical infrastructure and high-value assets.


While the debate over ESE systems and the exploration of laser-guided technology continue, the traditional Benjamin Franklin lightning rod system remains a tried-and-true favorite. This conventional approach, with its simple yet effective design, has stood the test of time, providing reliable protection against lightning for centuries. Until new technologies are proven and widely accepted, the Franklin rod system will continue to be the go-to choice for many seeking to safeguard their structures from the unpredictable forces of nature.

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Joe Riley Joe Riley

The Fascinating History Of L.P.

It all begins with an idea.

Lightning, a spectacular yet formidable force of nature, has fascinated and intimidated humanity throughout history. The quest to protect ourselves and our structures from its destructive power led to the development of lightning protection systems. Let's take a journey through time to explore the evolution of this vital technology.

Early Beliefs and Practices

In ancient times, people believed lightning was a manifestation of the gods' wrath. To appease these divine forces, various cultures constructed temples and offered sacrifices. The Greeks, for instance, built the Parthenon in honor of Athena, hoping to shield Athens from lightning. However, these early attempts were based more on superstition than scientific understanding.

The Birth of Modern Lightning Protection: Benjamin Franklin

The 18th century marked a turning point in our approach to lightning protection, thanks to Benjamin Franklin's groundbreaking experiments. In 1752, Franklin conducted his famous kite experiment, demonstrating that lightning is electricity. This discovery led him to invent the lightning rod, a metal rod mounted on buildings and connected to the ground. Franklin's lightning rod provided a safe path for lightning to follow, significantly reducing the risk of fire and structural damage.

Advancements and Innovations

Following Franklin's invention, the 19th and 20th centuries saw further advancements in lightning protection. Scientists and engineers developed more sophisticated systems, including grounding rods, conductors, and surge protectors. The introduction of the Faraday cage, named after Michael Faraday, offered another method of protection by enclosing sensitive equipment in a conductive mesh that dissipates electrical charges.

Global Standards and Modern Technologies

Today, lightning protection is governed by international standards, such as those set by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). These standards ensure that systems are designed, installed, and maintained effectively.

In recent years, technological advancements have led to the development of Early Streamer Emission (ESE) lightning rods, which are designed to trigger upward streamers earlier than conventional rods, providing a larger protection area. Which have sparked some controversy over their true effectiveness and claimed expanded zone of protections, which I will cover in the upcoming blog. Additionally, sophisticated monitoring systems now allow for real-time detection and analysis of lightning strikes, enhancing our ability to predict and respond to potential threats.


From ancient myths to modern science, the history of lightning protection reflects humanity's enduring resilience and ingenuity. As our understanding of lightning continues to evolve, so too will our strategies for safeguarding our lives and property against this powerful natural phenomenon.

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